Thursday, 12 November 2009

It's been a while! That could have something to do with how crazily busy we are every day! I really wanted to keep this updated as I know how quickly these memories get replaced only to be forgotten - I will try harder. Max and Noah are now 7 months old tomorrow and the last few weeks have gradually been getting easier. They have been crawling for about a week, Max crawled a few steps first, then didn't really bother much, a few days later Noah cracked it and they are now crawling all around! It is so cute they like to follow me around shouting Ah AH Ah one behind the other! They are too irresistable for words. Weaning is going well and they eat pretty well most of the time. Sleep wise varies and has been very up and down but just now they feed at about 10 pm, 2 pm and then anytime between 5 and 6 we get up for the day. If I get 4 hours in one go it is a really good night! The sleep deprivation has been the hardest! They usually sleep well in the days though, although the are gradually having less. 2 or three naps a day anything from 30 mins to 3 hours!

They are pretty contended playing on the floor with their toys, each other and Jacob. They also love the Jumparoo and activity centre. Chairs of any kind are a no go and have been for a good few weeks. Once they could sit unaided (about 3 weeks ago) and then go from laying to sitting, life in the Nicol house got a lot easier and calmer. Around this time they also relaxed a bit more in the car and pushchiar which they previously hated! We have even had a couple of trips back to skeggy with no tears if we set off at bed time. They have no teeth yet but Have been showing signs forever, we hope to see some soon. Max is currently flipping over with a cheeky grin when we do his nappy, where as Noah will happily lay there and have a chat while we do his! Max loves to acost Noah while he is on the floor and suck and dribble all over his face, which makes Noah giggle and is too cute for words!

All three of our boys have the same tickly spot on their thighs and they will all laugh uncontrollably when we squeeze it. Max and Noah also giggle when I pull their trousers up - I think they have ticklish waists! There are just too many little things to not down in one go (exactly why I should update little and often!).

Jacob has beena superstar over the past few weeks. He is so chatty and funny and the things he says make us laugh all the time. When he and I were out for a walk in the dark after the babieswere in bed this week he held my hand and said "Don't worry Mummy, the monsters can't get you because the crocodiles ate them all up!". He loves to do his jigsaws over and over and he is still a book worm! He adores his brothers and is pleased to see them whenever he has been out. He is very loving most of the time, calling them sweetie pie, rushing to tell them about his day etc. I love watching him be such a great big brother.

All in all life is extremely busy and tiring but full of fun and love. We couldn't love our boys more - they are all just perfect. We are a very lucky family! Long may it last!

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